They are coming…

The Aliens from planet equus! To eat up alllll the hay! The horses are very sceptical to my little game here… // Sie sind da! Die Außerirdischen vom Planet Equus! Um all das Heu aufzufressen! Die Pferde beäugen mein kleines… Continue Reading

Welcome to the real world

Welcome to the real world of naturalhorsekeeping in winter. It’s muddy it’s dirty and I like it…😃 Only grocery shopping afterwards is a little awkward. // Wilkommen in der Wirklichkeit! So sieht natürliche Pferdehaltung im Winter aus. Es ist matschig,… Continue Reading

Up here

Zaka loves this new weired trick where a human climbes on top… She says: „Well as long as you keep this little carrots going I like it!“ // Zaka liebt diese neue verrückte Kunststück, bei dem sich ein Mensch auf… Continue Reading

Chainsaw massacre

  The Boys were cutting trees 3 meters away from us and Zaka was yawning like she was about to go to sleep. We’ve had that the whole week and I used it in our Liberty Training. So when I… Continue Reading

Wonderful fall

We are finally able to go on little walks. It took us a long time to be both relaxed on this, we started with really short trips. But now we are in tune, she follows me in my concentration. Since… Continue Reading


Little extra treat for the horses: Hazelnut branches. They love them and they eat them completely. // Ein kleines extra Leckerchen für die Pferde: Haselnusszweige. Sie werden geliebt und komplett gefressen. Wir verteilen sie oft auf dem Trail, so haben… Continue Reading

32 °C

Shower time! She’s like…what’s that about?! But she was so brave! Took a shower all over and liked it! When I first got her one year ago, she was used to contact with people, but nothing more. She was very… Continue Reading