Dentist Appointment

Girls at work! I love it! This is what our dentist appointment today looked like: Relaxed horse with two skilled women working the teeth. Girls I am sooooo happy, you absolutely made my day! Thank you for this date, I… Continue Reading

Getting ready for the dentist

Dentist appointment on Friday, little girl does very well. We’ll see how that works if we play with the real tools. But brushing the teeth we can do for sure now… We will use no sedation because I want to… Continue Reading

Happy Mother´s Day

Happy Mother’s day for all you Moms out there. Mine was wonderful, thanks to my husband and my little wild daughter who like to spend the days outside in the woods as much as I do. And thanks to my… Continue Reading

About friendship

It´s been two years now since Zaka came to our family and slowly I think we have a real connection with each other. Today she enjoyed being scratched all over for sooo long, it was just lovely to see and… Continue Reading

We moved

Happy day! We moved!🎉😊 With help of two girls from our 5-girl-stable-crew, Zaka and me did our first short walk. She was very excited but finally parked nicely for me to get on and understood when I shifted my weight… Continue Reading


My phone refused to work any further today and just died in the snowstorm. Zaka on the other hand waited for a little signal to dance around. We ended up with the first canter on a circle at liberty with… Continue Reading

Get on stay on

Yesterday my friend J. and me went to see a huge saddle-shop to check out some saddles because we both have the youngsters in our herd and no saddle yet. So we drove down to one of the beautiful lakes… Continue Reading