Happy Birthday Zaka Girl

Danke, dass Du bei mir bist. Danke, dass Du so viel Veränderung und Nachdenken von mir verlangst. Neben meiner Tochter bist Du mein größter Lehrer. // Thank you for being with me. Thank you for demanding so much change and… Continue Reading

Let´s get digital

If you live far away from where I am or if other things hold us back from meeting in person, like the actual situation with the world wide pandemic, we can still meet in a Skype Session! It is super… Continue Reading

About Leadership

If you want to be with horses, you have to be the Leader. The Boss. Show who is Alpha. Yeah. I came across this messages again and again und just recently found that advice from a horseman I know and… Continue Reading

Teaching 1st time

sabrinaloveshorses.com Freies Lernen mit Pferden. Liberty with horses.

Yeah! I have just conducted my first teaching session of the Trust Technique as a Practitioner learner with Kerstin and her wonderful Icelandic pony Loa. They both did so well! Kerstin was well prepared and her little sensitive pony followed… Continue Reading

Finding Peace together

I am so proud of these two! My daughter turned just 6 and knows how to calm down another being right from the heart. She is practicing the Trust Technique with my horse Zaka and both of them usually have… Continue Reading