Podcast bei Pferdegewieher

Ein Interview über die Trust Technique mit mir bei Pferdegewieher! Vielen, vielen lieben Dank, dass ich dabei sein durfte, liebes Pferdegewieher Team und macht weiter so mit eurer tollen Arbeit! Hier könnt Ihr reinhören: https://pferdegewieher.com/podcast62 // A wonderful Interview about… Continue Reading


Eine friedliche Verbindung ist so schön und so leicht! // A peaceful connection is beautiful and so light!

Working in peace

So lovely that work! The pony laid down at the end of our Trust Technique session and client and me were so blessed for that moment! // Es ist so schön, so zu arbeiten! Das Pony hat sich am Ende der Trust Technique Session hingelegt und die Besitzerin und ich waren gleichermassen berührt.

Let´s get digital

If you live far away from where I am or if other things hold us back from meeting in person, like the actual situation with the world wide pandemic, we can still meet in a Skype Session! It is super… Continue Reading

Teaching 1st time

sabrinaloveshorses.com Freies Lernen mit Pferden. Liberty with horses.

Yeah! I have just conducted my first teaching session of the Trust Technique as a Practitioner learner with Kerstin and her wonderful Icelandic pony Loa. They both did so well! Kerstin was well prepared and her little sensitive pony followed… Continue Reading

Finding Peace together

I am so proud of these two! My daughter turned just 6 and knows how to calm down another being right from the heart. She is practicing the Trust Technique with my horse Zaka and both of them usually have… Continue Reading

Let it all go

Let it all go. Even more will be possible. Thanks to Anna and Klaus our souls travelled to another world through ancient sounds. Thank you! Thank you Christian for organising this exceptional event and inviting me to join. It was… Continue Reading